Sunday, September 19, 2010

Welcomes and New Potion Bottles

First a Big Welcome to new followers Annie at Obsidian Hall, Rosella, Pan and Peggy, what an honor to have such wonderful followers ~

I have been doing a few custom orders and making these potion bottles. I have wanted to do potion bottles but wanted mine different like everything else I create. So here is my take on potion bottles ala Dark Squirrel.

Hubby is cooking down apples for applesauce, this year we have a bumper crop of apples, Annie is taking a nap in the garage waiting for me to throw her Jolly Balls before I head over to Secret Squirrel.
Hope you are all having a great weekend with this beautiful Fall weather.

Victoria ♥


  1. Deben de ser pócimas muy dificiles de conseguir y muy caras, porque las botellas son un lujo.
    Besos Clara

  2. Beautiful bottles! I am sure the customer will be happy - I would be! ;)

  3. These are fabulous. I love them so unusual.

  4. Thank you ladies Clara Eva and Janice. I got home and they were all sold. I guess I will finish the others I had started on last night. A special Thank you Janice I really wanted them to be different than any others.

    Victoria ♥

  5. Ditto with everyone else! These are unique and fabulous!

  6. I knew they would all sell really quickly ! Looks like youll be busy making more potion bottles Victoria, they are always popular and yours are so different and beautiful !Kate xx

  7. Estoy enamorada de tus botes de pociones, son alucinantes.
    besitos ascension

  8. you too with the apples? we had a bumper crop too only I was the one that had to do the cooking down.

  9. Turn about here on Monday, my turn today. We always can together. My hubby makes the best pickles in the world!

  10. Do you even ever make the same ones? Potion bottles I mean . You must be the miniaturist who made the most of them :) and they are all wonderful! Each and every one of them :).

  11. Thank you Sans! I have remade bead bottles but not potion bottles but could if someone wanted one I had already made, I sort of like to do one of a kind.

    Victoria ♥
