Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Marie answers the knock at the door. Doctor, I have been expecting you. Please come on in and rest your weary body, you have had a long journey. Marie and the Doctor go in the house.

What have we here? Who could this strange creature be?

He turns to glance at us, he doesn't look quite human to me...

He knocks at the door. I hear footsteps coming towards the front door..... to be continued.

I wanted to share my angry jack o' lantern made by Blake of A Bohemian Bazaar. His work is most excellent. Thank you Blake :)

And now to the winners of the drawing ~

Congratulations to Julia of Bear Cabin Miniatures. You won the Owl package ~ Fanny the witch made by Nicky CC.

Congratulations Janice of On Being a Mini Mum. You won the Dragon Package. Please contact me through my Etsy shop with your info ladies ~ The Count made by me, he is Hattie's husband to be for you who have not followed the story thus far.

That is it for today, I will be back soon with lots of Halloween Cheer and on Halloween we will draw for a Witch hat made by Kat the Hat Lady. I was going to decorate one to draw for but have decided to offer one of my own :) I will also have a secret surprise post for Halloween so stay tuned.

I want to wish Special Friend Maria Kelly Happy Birthday today.


Thank you Irina! and Giveaway reminder ~

I received a surprise package from Irina who's blog is Narina Napertaa. When I opened the package I found a Christmas wrapped box with a note on top. I was glad to read it was a  joke not to open till December 23. If you know me you will know it would send me to a real asylum if I had a package I had to wait that long to open :)

The wrapping had bears! And Irina wrote me a real letter, I have not had a real letter since my Great Aunt died, what a treat.
I tore open the package to find a box, I had already read in the letter that this was a wedding gift for Hattie. 

In the box for Hattie was a bag of...........

Hattie's gifts! She loves everything Irina!
The package contained these sweet books, this one is Healing Herbs
It opens and you can actually read the pages! Beautiful work Irina!
And another book!
This book as beautiful as the first. Thank you so much Irina, Hattie had nothing of her own. This is a nice start to her household.

I will be back later with a little story and the winners of the Owl and Dragon drawing.
