Monday, August 30, 2010

The Top Floor

First I want to comment that I have reached that magic 50 readers and say Thank You. I never thought when I started this blog that more than 10 or 15 people would be interested. Welcome Cheri ( Art2ArtColorado on Etsy) who is a wonderful digital and mixed media artist and Sharon. I will post about the give away in the next day or two. We had a great weekend at Secret Squirrel, April sold 5 paintings in her little art show on the porch. Only one lady was rude about her art which is sad, somethings are better left to yourself.

Now to the rest of Folly...
The top floor has 3 rooms. First the music room which wasn't planned, I was gifted with a piano so I stuck it in an empty room. I then made chairs, tables and pictures. I don't know if I will keep this a music room in the remodel or not. Next is the bathroom which is my favorite room. Just like in my house I went all out on this room. The corner tub and commode are black and came in a set. I bought the sink separably and jammed it with bottles. I made the monogrammed towels from a thin t shirt. The rug is made with a printie from Jim's pages if I remember right. I made the pictures, plants and poppies growing in the Cinnabar lid.
Last is the bedroom. Not liking this room much. I hate the wall paper and light that I crafted from a ping pong ball. The hatboxes, stool, perfume bottles, pictures, pillows and Egyptian vases were made by me. I would like to age this furniture, I now know I don't like new looking any thing except puppies.

I feel this was a little boring but this house bores me to tears.


Friday, August 27, 2010

The Second Story

Welcome Ara!

As promised here is the second story of My Folly. First is the den which is occupied by Slick my crash dummy, he has been with me many years. I know he doesn't belong in a doll's house but I sometimes enjoy things that are out of scale. The chase, foot stool, round table, fire place, pictures and animal heads were all handmade by me. The books mostly made from kits. The television is a salt shaker given to me as a gift from a very special friend. The camels on the mantel were earrings April sent me from San Antonio when she lived there. I have a confession, I took out the stairs to fit more stuff in this house. My hubby gives me grief for leaving out the stairs in my houses, I just can't help it.

The next room is the parlor where everything that happens there stays there. We have Ms. Pork sipping a martini, Daddy WarBucks who is way out of scale watching but after enough martinis who to say. Nosy Gladys is upside down in the corner after way too many martinis. There is a tarot reading going on. A voo doo doll lays on a foot stool I made. The couch, chase and chair were gifts from a friend.

Last for todays tour is a side patio I made with a cactus garden ( what was I thinking) anyone needs cactus, you can have it. I do like my glass top table and peacock chairs up top, the chairs arrived white so I attacked them with paint LOL. The 2 tier patio will have to be redone too. Well thats it for the second story, will try to post the top story this weekend.

Thank you for your great comments everyone!!!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Doll's House

I have been promising pictures so here they are... first is the kitchen with Hop Sing (Bonanza was a fav. as a child) and Aura. I collect these old chinese dolls and mini DOD dolls. I built this house long before I started dark art so it is dull and plain, I think that's why I don't like it. I am going to do a makeover on it some winter. Next on the bottom floor is the dining room. I made all the food in my attempts at fimo food. I recovered the seat cushions in zebra silk and crafted all the pictures in the room. The floor is marble tiles which I still like so thats one good thing. I do like front opening houses, it really cuts down on dust. Tomorrow I will show 2 more of the rooms. Thank you for your wonderful comments everyone!!!

Victoria XXX

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Welcome new Followers!!!

Welcome Judy, Marisa, Marillum, Tarayvonne, Susanne, Clara, Minnie Kitchen, Marion, Kim, Lara and Debie. If I left somebody out I am sorry. These ladies all have Awesome blogs!!! Remember when I get to 50 its Give Away time. Kat the Hat Lady has posted my blog on her FaceBook, Thank you so much Kat!!! Grim at Cauldron Craft Miniatures posted about one of my cupboards on her FaceBook today so I feel totally Loved today. I just listed Black Magic a Dresser Display in my Etsy shop, am trying to get some of my Halloween projects done and listed. Thank you again to the miniature community for your support, you have no idea what it means to me.

XXX Victoria

Monday, August 23, 2010

Swallow's Song

Happy Monday...

Finished up this dresser tray titled Swallow's Song, it will be listed in my Etsy shop shortly. I bought a new banner for my shop and tried to make every thing look right on the new and improved shop pages LOL. 100 degrees yesterday and 72 today, what a change. I am starting some Gothic trays and have a Fae outhouse started which I hate the color of, I am into paint techniques but this was going to just be a solid color. Maybe it will be on the failure shelf hee hee. I have been reading lots of blogs today, I have 40 followers and want to do a give away when I get to 50. What do you the reader think? a tray or a fairy chair? Let me know. Hope everyone is being more productive than I am today.

Tomorrow is another day,

Friday, August 20, 2010

Nefertiti's Secret

Nefertari is a favorite as is anything Egyptian. This is for her, fit for a Queen. I sold Black Widow so I will do another Gothic project soon. I will try and post some doll house pictures this weekend. I will be very busy in Secret Squirrel the next 3 weekends. Next weekend is our town's celebration, April is doing an art show on the porch of Secret Squirrel and I will be inside selling treasures. Enjoy.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Black Widow

Here is my new dresser set tray titled Black Widow. I went Goth this time as it is my favorite medium. This is listed in my Etsy store.

Sweet Dreams,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Pretty Alien

I just finished this piece and am pleased with how it turned out. It's called My pretty Alien. I am doing a series of dresser displays in 1/12 scale and this is the first. You guys have probably figured out that I am a little strange by now and this proves it. Annie says Hi to all, she is too busy to come in the house with her pond and chasing butterflies. I noticed we have lots of dragonflies on the pond, they are so beautiful.

Ta Ta for now,

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Harp 2 is Finished

The second harp is finished, now I can get out of Fairy mode. I really enjoyed doing these because they are different. I like all the acorn cap planters on this one. It comes with a chipmunk and scatter of fall leaves. Thank You for the nice comments on my work. I am working on a UFO project, will post pictures before I put on Etsy.

Victoria XXX

Monday, August 16, 2010

Autumn Fairy Harp

I have needed to make some Fairy Harps for my shop for sometime. I have to be in the mood for moss and fae, we have had fall like weather the last few days so I made Autumn Harps. I think I like these better than my regular harps with flowers. The second one isn't finished yet and is over the top with many acorn planters. Here is the one I will list in my Etsy shop today. I am working on some smaller projects for my shop which I will post when they are complete. Annie is enjoying the cooler weather, we had a scare with her this weekend. She eats everything she sees, we uncovered a cow skull digging the pond bigger which she grabbed and chewed on. It made her have a blockage and made her very sick, she is on the mend now and feeling good. I will be glad when the puppy stage has ended. I will show some doll house pictures this week, sorry I didn't get around to it last week. Thank You for reading my ramblings.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What a Day

Welcome New Followers ~

I finished my Gothic perfume cupboard, can't think of a good name for it, here are some pictures. If you think of a good name let me know. It was 95 degrees here today, Annie kept busy swimming and rolling in the mud. You have to hose her off every night before she can come indoors. I sold my Magical Fae Glider in my Etsy shop today and made mushrooms in acorn caps for a customer. I am beat, don't think I will be burning the midnight oil tonight. Stay tuned for doll house pictures this week.

Take Care and Sweet Twilight ,


Friday, August 6, 2010

A Few of My Miniature Collections

Here are 2 of my collections. First my miniature brass collection, some pieces are older than me and I have had since I was a child. I think I was born with a fascination for tiny things. I am in the process of finding small cupboards to house my collections. My brass collection is in a cupboard found at a yard sale, I had to paint and paper to my liking. Next is my collection of tiny Buddhas, I have Buddhas in all sizes every where. I haven't found the perfect cupboard for my tiny Buddhas so they are on a old tray turned sideways. I am also posting a picture of my Lizzie Borden room box which is not finished. Enjoy.


Happy Friday

We have been busy moving rocks to line our enlarged pond, Annie loves it as it is deeper. I will post pictures when done. Here are a couple of projects I have been working on. The green and black Gothic will be next, have made some bottles for it but haven't thought up a name or theme yet. The copper cupboard has just started on the paint, many more layers to go. I will do another post tonight with some pictures of my collections of odd miniature things.

Stay Cool


Monday, August 2, 2010

death and decay is Finished!!!

Woo Hoo... I am done. I wanted to Welcome new followers I am humbled that you like my blog or work. Here are my pictures and like usual I don't really know what will be next except it will be in the Hell series. Again a Big Thank You to my readers and those of you who believe in me and buy my work, I feel like I am on a journey that has just started. Stay Cool, Annie is swimming in her pond to cut the afternoon heat. Now I really need to make a Fairy Harp for my shop...

Till later

Victoria ♥ and ((( HUGS )))

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday Is Not Fun Day

Happy Sunday one and all. My day started off great, I sold Absinthe Hell and all was well. Hubby took Annie for her morning walk so I decided to sweep the floors, I found a water damage on the edge of the wood flooring in dining room. Turns out to be leak at hot water heater in closet in that room, hopefully we caught it soon enough that the floor isn't going to buckle. I am almost done with Death and Decay, here are a few pictures. I hope to have it done by Tuesday. Well off to Secret Squirrel to sell treasures, please drop by if you are in the area.

Victoria ♥